It’s a weird time right now. Were still in lockdown due to Covid-19 and everything just doesn’t seem like real life. Everything seems to have changed.
Like a lot of us right now my routine has changed drastically in the past few months. Not being able to see my family or got out to the shops without keeping a 2 metre distance. I’ve been self isolating since march as i’m classed as vulnerable so I haven’t left the house except for daily exercise and even that’s a struggle.
I think in times like this it’s important to realise the simple joys of life and enjoy them.
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Yes. I brought into the hype. I played Animal Crossing when I was younger on my Nintendo DS so when lockdown was announced I ordered a switch lite and animal crossing and it’s been the best purchase of this year, maybe even the last two years. I’m not sure how I would have coped without the game to be honest, that may seem really weird to say but it brings me so much joy and really makes you forget about everything for a while when your in your own little world.
I’ve been really enjoying getting into the game and making my island all cute. My biggest accomplishment of 2020 is that I finally reached 5 stars after 200 hours of playing. It’s a pretty big deal, guys. Oh, If you also play AC then lets be friends: SW-4069-3692-9309. As you can tell I pretty much just play Animal Crossing most days.

Baking is always something I’ve loved but just don’t do it often enough, there just seemed like there wasn’t enough time in the day for it so when I knew I was going to be at home for months I was excited to actually bake.
I’ve been spending time with my sister baking cookies and muffins and it’s been so nice to spend time getting back to doing something I love although the muffins did not go to plan.. They turned out alright in the end. I’m hoping to get a couple more bakes in before going back to work (whenever that may be).
Looking after my skin more
My skin wasn’t the best a couple of months back, it was super dry and nothing seemed to be working to give it moisture. I was recently gifted a couple of skincare products from Antipodes and they have been really helping and given my skin back the moisture it needed. I didn’t know how my skin was going to react with me not wearing makeup while at home during lockdown as sometimes I’ll get bad breakouts but thankfully that hasn’t happened yet although I am starting to put on makeup maybe once a week now just go get into more of a routine.
As well as using the Antipodes products, I’ve been making sure to keep up with my skincare routine using different and new products and getting outside more in the garden to get that vitamin c.
Spending more time outdoors (at a 2 metre distance of course)
Getting that 1 hour of daily exercise before Boris lifted the exercise rule was something I looked forward to every day, going for a walk really cleared my head and got me ready for the day. Before lockdown happened I rarely went for walks, I always just did my running but going for a long walk by myself was something I really needed one day. We have some really nice routes and fields where I live so I’ll definitely be taking advantage more.

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One thing I have started doing in lockdown like you have is taking more care of my skin! I’ve got more of a skincare routine now which is great! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Ah amazing! You can really notice a difference when you have a better routine can’t you?! x
I keep seeing people with Animal Crossing and now you’ve made me want it even more 🤣 x
Oh I’m sorry 😂 I don’t know what I would have done without it during lockdown x