It’s October and the start of the best few months of the year let’s be honest. This month is my birthday month was is very exciting as I’m going away for a couple of days and even though the days have started getting colder and darker I’m okay with it. I just think Autumn nights are super cosy and even though my productivity seems to be at an all time low it’s my favourite time of the year.
Speaking of productivity, I always find I do more when I make lists, I love ticking things off then making new goals. Is it just me that does that? I want to make the most of everything this October including autumn and halloween.

01. Enjoy my birthday
In exactly 2 weeks it’ll be my birthday and every year I’m so grateful to be able to celebrate another year older. This year I’ll be spending it in London with family for a couple of days and seeing Wicked in the west end and I couldn’t be more excited to get away for a couple of days to one of my favourite cities. I’ll be sharing it all on Instagram don’t you worry!
02. Create content I’m proud of
As it starts getting to the end of the year especially October I tend to look back on the content I’ve created and even though I’ve loved everything I have put out this year on my blog and instagram I feel I can do better so that’s what i’ll be trying to do for the rest of the year. Make better content for me and you.
03. Go and pick a pumpkin or three
It’s that time of year again. This is the second year I’ve said I’ll go to a pumpkin patch as last year I never made it but I am determined to go to my local farm shop this year (I have a reminder on my phone) to pick up a few pumpkins and take some content for instagram while I’m there. I mean it would be rude not to, am I right? I don’t know the last time we had pumpkins in the house and actually carved them..
04. Get some more autumnal peices
.. & before you ask no I don’t need anymore clothes but I do need a few more staple autumn clothes. I wear the same jumpers every single year when the weather gets colder, I definitely want to pick up a couple more jumpers and I noticed some boots in H&M a couple of weeks ago, tried them on but decided to not buy them and now I regret it so I’m going to go back and get them (I’m hoping they haven’t gone). I might just pick up a new scarf and jacket as well if my budget can stretch that far.
05. Carry on recovering from my injury
It’s been a LONG 12 weeks or so since I had to stop on a run because I had the most horrendous pain in my hip. Fast forward until now and I’ve had a few sessions at sports therapy and couple of very short runs. It’s not been easy with doctors pushing my symptoms off and refusing me treatment meaning having to go private but my inflamed tendon is definitely feeling better to what it did weeks ago. I had to pull out of one race I had booked but I do have another one booked for the end of November which is just a 5K, fingers crossed I’ll be sorted and back up to fitness for that!
What’s on your to-do list for October?

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Sounds like you have quite the month ahead! Hope you have a wonderful birthday
It’s definitely more full on than last month but I’m hoping to make the most of October! Awh, thank you so much Candice x
Cheers to you being productive and recovery from your injury. I know the feeling. Earlier in the summer, I dislocated my shoulder and had to rebuild the muscles back. It’s a long journey but with positive energy, it makes the process easier. So I’m sending nothing but sweet positive vibes your way🧡🧡🧡
Natonya |
Thank you! Oh 🙈 I’ve never dislocated my shoulder but I can imagine the pain. I think it’s so much harder for your recovery if your not positive 💕
I’m a total outfit repeater and it’s so much worse when it’s cold outside! But I’m so picky with my pieces!
I was just telling my cousin I don’t carve pumpkins cause they’re so messy. But with a baby I think I want to start a tradition to paint them!
Omg, I’m the same with jumpers! I have my favourites and then just rotate them, I’ve got to get out of the habit!
Pumpkins are messy but so fun x