Tomorrow is Mother’s Day here in the UK. I can’t believe how early it is this year, It seems to have come around super fast. Weren’t we just in January like 2 weeks ago? SO, I thought I’d do a little question and answer with my mom to be a little different!
My mom means the absolute world to me and she is honesty my best friend. Whenever I get exciting news or bad news she is the first person I call, always. If you don’t know already I’m an identical twin and growing up my mom always made sure we had everything we wanted and me and my sister were so grateful. She is the strongest, most beautiful woman I know and I can’t imagine my life without her.
“Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends – but only one mother in the whole wide world” – Kate Douglas Wiggins
Lets get onto the Q & A..
Q1 – What was your first thought when you knew you were having twins?
A: My first thought was ‘oh my goodness, how on earth am I going to cope with 2 babies’ but then I realised how special I felt and how lucky I am and I have felt that way every day since that moment because I have 2 amazing, beautiful daughters who I am so proud of.
Q2 – Do you have a favourite?
A: Lol, no of course I don’t I love you both exactly the same. I always have and always will, unconditionally and forever.
Q3 – What’s one thing you wish you did differently before you got married or had kids?
A: I always wish I had studied harder at school and gone to university at 18 instead of when I was older. Although I still think I would be doing the same job as I am very happy with my career. But I think going away to university at a young age is such an amazing life experience and I missed out!
Q4 – What’s your proudest moment of me?
A: As you crossed the line after ‘Race for Life’ 2 years ago. There were times since your diagnosis that I worried so much that I would lose you and to see you achieve that run after everything you had gone through was so emotional but made me so proud of you at the same time. (Not going to lie I cried a little at this answer)
Q5 – What’s the hardest thing about being a mom? What’s the best thing?
A: The hardest thing is not being able to take the pain away when you are hurt or suffering. I would rather go through it myself than see you have to endure it and the best thing is being able to look at you both and realise how lucky I am to have spent 27 years raising 2 amazing, beautiful and strong young women.
Q6 – If we could do anything together, what would you want it to be?
A: I would love for you to love horses as much as I do and we could go pony trecking over Cannock Chase together. But I know that’s never going to happen!
Q7 – What do you love most about me and Laura?
A: I love the way that we are all best friends and even though we may all annoy each other at times we also enjoy spending time together and just talking and laughing. I hope we never lose that.
Q8 – Which of our family traditions is most important to you?
A: Having my mom over for Mother’s day every year and cooking her and my dad a beef dinner. Since I left home and had my own house I have done this every year and that is something that will never change. Maybe it’s a tradition you and Laura will continue when you move out too. I can hope lol
Q9 – What has been the most exciting time of your life?
A: Going to the USA in 2014 when we visited New York and Las Vegas. That is something I never dreamed I would ever achieve and it made it more special that you and Laura were there to share it too.
Q10 – What are the 3 happiest times in your life?
A: Well the first was obviously the day you and Laura were born. The second was my wedding day and the third was the day you had the phone call from your consultant to tell you that you were in remission. I remember we were having a day out in Weston Super Mare and it was a special day anyway but that made it such a memorable day.
Q11 – What have you always wanted to tell me, but haven’t had the courage to?
A: I am not sure social media is the place to answer that one so next question lol
Q12 – Did you have a second choice for mine and Laura’s names?
A: I certainly did. 27 years ago we didn’t have the option of finding out the sex so it was always a surprise what you had. If Laura was a boy she would have been James and you would have been Dominic but I knew straight away what your names would be if you were girls. They were my 2 favourite names and always had been so you were never going to be anything different although if you had been born in a different order you would have been Laura!
That’s the Q & A finished!
I hope you enjoyed this post and have a lovely day with your mom this Sunday for Mother’s Day.
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anoceanglimmer says
This is such a sweet post! Your mum seems like a really nice person, she definitely has a lot of love for your and Laura. Also, I can’t believe I’ve only just found out you’re a twin, that’s crazy haha. I never knew, I definitely continue to learn more about you. Mother’s Day this year is definitely going to be different, seeing as I’m no longer living with her. This year she’s coming down and we’re having a chill day with her! I’ve brought her flowers and a cake to enjoy. I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day!
Gemma |
believeinamiracle says
Thanks lovely 💕 She is the best. Omg! I thought you knew I was a twin haha at least you know now. Awh that’s lovely that your mom is coming down to spend the day, I hope you both have a great day together! xo
Awww this is such a lovely post. I really enjoyed it. Mums are so very special. I think I might even sit down with my boys and let them ask me 20 questions. Would I be happy to reveal all though……. hahaha
Thank you so much, Kerry 💕 I did have to think about the questions as I wouldn’t know if my mom was going to answer them haha. I would love to read a post about it if you do ask them! xo
I loved your post so much! I am currently 5 months pregnant on my first so this Mothers Day will be definitely more interesting for me!
Ahhh! Congratulations 💕 Thank you so much for reading, lovely xo
This is so sweet and your mom is a lovely person! I enjoyed reading more about you, Laura & your mom 😊
She really is the best! Thank you 🙊
What a heartwarming Q&A 🙂 I love the good relationship your family has with each other.
Thank you so much, Lise 🙊 xo
My mum had a very low-tech form of scan as she was so big when pregnant – when the Dr said he could see “four little legs” she thought she was having a baby with extra legs!! He was like “No. There are two babies in there!”.
Haha 😂 Oh wow. I bet that was such a shock for your mom!
Awwww what a cute post! This is really sweet idea and something a bit different, really loved reading your mums answers xx
Thank you girl 💕 It was such a cute idea for a post and so different to the normal gift guides which I loved xo
What a lovely read! Thank you for sharing 🙂