Oh hello. Welcome back to the life updates. I should really do these more regularly, they stopped for a while but we’re back and I’m ready to share what’s been happening as of late. To be honest here not that much has happened though because I’ve just been in my whole running/working out phase, that’s what I’m trying to focus on more lately which is why I’ve been pretty quiet with uploading on all my socials. Creating content has definitely had to take a step back, I haven’t been creating half as much as normal but I just love living in the moment lately with no pressure to create when I don’t fancy it.
I’m very happy the weather has started to turn a little sunnier, it really makes the days seem so much better and it’s always nice to wake up to blue skies especially in the UK as we don’t normally get a lot of those days even in the spring/summer months. We have a couple of breaks booked this year which I can’t wait for, just at home here in England which will be nice. One in June and then one in October for my birthday by the sea. Hoping to go abroad next year.
My mental heath has taken quite a dive lately. There’s a lot in my head right now and I just can’t seem to get on top of things, which then turns into me having a full on meltdown on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out. Sometimes I just have to take it hour by hour or day by day and that’s okay. I’m still moving forward, slowly but I’m getting there. We all sometimes need a big cry to let things out and after talking about it I feel better than I did. Mental health isn’t an easy process like I’ve said before and I can’t always be strong even though I think I can. I have to let go and even though I put my defences up quite high I can let people through even though it isn’t the easiest thing for me.
I think after going through such a life changing thing at a young age it can be hard to not have some sort of grief for the years that you lost and I don’t think I’ve got over that yet which is still having an impact. I lost like 3 years of my life to cancer from diagnosis to recovery and I’m never going to get that back. It’s hard to think about but I’m trying to live my life as best as I can.

On the running front, I have about 15 weeks until my next race which is a 10K around the Cosford airfield and that’s the furthest I’ve run in a while. I’ve really been focusing on the smaller distances for the past couple of months and more on physio and strength training to build up my muscles ready for the longer runs that I want to be doing soon. On Sunday I finally went to get a gait analysis and found out that I’ve been running with a massive over pronation which means my foot rolls over by more than it should. I knew I needed a new pair of trainers for a good while but I’ve been putting it off because of money (the cost of living crisis is a joke) but I bit the bullet and got myself a pair of Hoka’s which the running shop recommend.
If you’ve just started running I would very much recommend going to get a gait analysis as no-ones feet and running style are the same. As soon as I tried on a pair of the Arahi 6‘s from Hoka I knew they were the right ones. The difference to my Nike trainers were unbelievable, they felt so supportive and from the few runs on the treadmill I did at the running shop I knew they were going to come home with me. I’ll be going on my first proper run in them tomorrow and I’m excited to see how they feel! I’m a Hoka girl now.

Oh I quit the gym a few weeks ago. I just felt I wasn’t going as much as I’d like to and most of the time I wasn’t enjoying it so thought to myself then why am I still going?. I knew I still needed some type of weights to continue strength training at home so I found a barbell and dumbbell weight set on Argos at a really good price so added that to my basket and went and collected it the next day. The set itself is actually really versatile and comes with weights up to 35KG which is perfect for where I am in my training.
I’ve left the most exciting part until last. Next week I’m going to see Beyonce in Tottenham. My sister and I have always been huge fans and her concerts always look next level. We have never had chance to get tickets but when she announced her renaissance world tour we decided to try and get some. We knew it was going to be hard and we were unsuccessful when they released the first sets of tickets, they went like gold dust BUT then she released further dates and we managed to grab a couple for one of five London shows which we are both very excited for. Outfits aren’t completely sorted, I have a khaki maxi skirt paired with a black ribbed top with some sparkle on the bottom, shoes and accessories are yet to be decided.
Until next time,

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Hope the running improves, and helps with your mental health, been struggling myself with running for ages, 10k seems so far away
Thank you, Ian! Starting to get back into it more, I have a training plan for a 10K starting soon so hopefully that’ll help a lot more. Oh I hope you get your mojo back soon.
Thank you for sharing this personal update lovely.
Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk
Thank you so much for reading, Danielle x
Love that you’re in your running and workout era! I love prioritising workouts in my days too, and it’s so true that this lifestyle takes over everything, doesn’t it? So happy to see you back to blogging! x
Thank you so much lovely, it feels great! omg it really does but it feels amazing to be back into a routine of some sort with blogging, it’s going to take while with everything social media but I’ll get there! x