I had a little mild panic yesterday as I realised I hadn’t scheduled a post for today and I thought as I haven’t done a life update since last August (yeah it’s been that long) I would give you all a little insight into the last few months of my life.
As I mentioned, my last little update was back in August 2019 when life was a little more simple and relaxed without the threat of covid-19 around. Obviously not a lot has happened since the beginning of the year with lockdown from March until June ish? I think it was around June when they started to ease lockdown anyway. I swear the last few months have all merged into one.
In two weeks we’ll officially be in September and near enough Autumn will start to arrive but I am so ready for it. I have already started to plan some content for my blog and instagram. I’m getting organised this year. Oh and I’ve been sorting out candles ready for the season, that’s how excited I am. I’ve never really been a summer person to be honest, I always love the colder months and being able to wrap up under all the layers.
Obviously plans for holidays have gone out go the window for this year but we have just booked a little staycation for the middle of October for my birthday which I’m very much looking forward to and it’ll be nice to just get away from home for a little while and to see different surroundings. The lodge we’ve booked is in Devon and overlooks a lake with a hot tub, it looks so beautiful and I can’t wait to just explore and celebrate my birthday in the most gorgeous place. I’m thinking I’ll do a little IGTV and a post about my few days away.

You might have noticed that I recently took a 4 week break from creating content for instagram, I just didn’t feel like posting even though I was still active on the app with commenting and uploading stories I wasn’t enjoying what I was putting out so took a break. If you’re feeling the same I’d honestly recommend just taking some time out it does wonders for not only your mental health but refreshes exactly where you want to take your feed. Creating content felt like such a chore which it shouldn’t fyi but I’ve now come back with a new direction for my feed which is very neutral toned and more simplified and I’m enjoying taking photo’s so much more now.
Something that’s a big part of my life and that I talk about a lot on social’s and on here is running. You’re probably bored of me mentioning it by now so scroll down if you are but otherwise keep reading. Basically all my races for this year have been either cancelled or postponed until next year which I’m obviously a little gutted about. The 10K that I was doing in September gave the option to do it virtually so you still get to take part but run it by yourself and submit your result to get the medal which I was happy to do but with my knee still not being 100% i’ve not been training as much so I’ll have to see how it works out.
With my training taking a little step back I’ve been getting into more home workouts to try and take the strain off my knee and I’ve actually been really enjoying them. I normally just search YouTube or tiktok for hit workouts and abs and try and do one every couple of days but depends how much time I have. it’s important to take rest days! In regards to getting back into my full training again I think I just need to take it steady and just do a couple of miles 2/3 times a week and see how I get on.
Even though I’ve been slacking with my organising my blog content for this month I’ve still managed to get posts out on time and I have been enjoying posting every week which is a bonus because I thought it could go either way with me putting too much pressure on myself to be putting out content that I wasn’t happy with but just so I could get it out every week but honestly I’m so happy I made the change and I’ll definitely be continuing this for as long as possible.
On the other hand I have been v e r y lazy with working/reaching out to brands but I actually think that’s a good thing for me right now. I need to get MY brand in order before thinking about working with brands again. I have been doing a few things in the background ready for when I do want to get back in the game but for now I’m just happy that I’m creating content that I love.
That’s my life for the past few months. What’s been happening with you?

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