It’s finally happened. I’ve been thinking about a re-brand for a good while now and I finally took the leap. BYE to Always Believe In A Miracle and HELLO to Samantha. J.
It was around December when I first started thinking about have a rebrand. When I first started my blog I loved the name ‘Always Believe In A Miracle’ it represented my little blog and what I was writing about at the time but as my blog has grown into something I really love, my writing style has changed and I’ve just grew out of the name.
When I was thinking about what I wanted to change it too I knew I wanted my name in there somewhere but I’m really not a fan of my surname so I decided to use the first letter of my middle name which is Joanne (and also happens to be my mom’s first name) so then Samantha. J was born. It just seems a lot more grown up and more me and I couldn’t be happier.

Oh and you might have seen I have a brand new theme courtesy of Pipdig who I couldn’t recommend enough. I’ve had 3 themes from them and they have all been perfect and their customer service is amazing. It doesn’t help my bank account though when they bring out so many pretty themes..
All my social media handles have been changed to ‘samanthajblogs’. I think I’m the main thing was to keep everything consistent and on brand as I’m pretty sure I won’t be re-branding again, it’s too much of a nightmare.. well I’m my case it was as I really didn’t have a clue what I was doing.
Re-branding is definitely scary, I thought I’d broke my blog at one point so it’s not something to take lightly if you’re thinking about it but I think it’s the best thing I could have done for my blog and I can’t wait to grow and make my blog the best it can be. I just want to take a moment to say a massive thank you to everyone who’s supported my blog, it honestly means the world.

You can find me over on instagram, why not have a little scroll while you’re there?
You can also subscribe via WordPress or email to catch more of my posts.
Congratulations lovely! I rebranded just before Christmas and it was the scariest thing I’ve done but also the best thing so I hope you love it! xx
Thank you, Hannah! Ah, isn’t it scary? I thought I’d made a huge mistake at one point but I’m glad I made it out the other side haha. I defenitly think it’s the best decision I’ve made for my blog! xx
Congratulations! Your blog looks absolutely stunning! I’m so glad that I came across your blog and I can’t wait to continue to watch you grow!!
Thank you so much! I’m actually so happy with how it looks now and excited to produce lots more content! x
Yaay congratulations Samantha! I love the rebrand, it’s amazing. Name is perfect as well, what a great start to the New Year for you. I can’t believe how far you’ve come, I am soo proud of you.
Gemma |
Ah thank you so much, Gem! I’m honestly so happy with everything and excited for the future of my blog! Aw, you’re so sweet, thank you! x
I love the new name! I think it’s good to rebrand every once in a while. A lot of us outgrow the content we started with and it’s good that your blog can grow and adapt with that. Funny, I never once considered using my name when I started blogging. I’ve never given it much thought until now x
Thank you so much, Sophie! YES and that’s exactly why I wanted to rebrand. Neither did I when I first started but I felt like I wanted something more personal as my blog name so my own name was just a perfect fit x