When you receive a cancer diagnosis you can feel so alone and isolated. I know I did. SO. What did I do? I turned to google of course, I needed some answers as to how my life was going to be and what I was going to go through as a cancer patient. That’s all I could find at the time, there was no guide book on how to deal with cancer.
I feared when I was diagnosed who could relate to me? I think for a few weeks I was just in shock and everything went by so fast, all the scans, tests and biopsies just everything. I didn’t really know where to turn.
Although there were days throughout treatment when I felt more alone than ever, there are millions of people going through the exact same thing. The pain, the sickness, the chemo, every single thing.
It took me a while to post on Instagram with my first cancer post, I’m pretty sure it was just a quote or something which may have seemed small to others but was a huge deal to me, I was putting myself out there. I wanted some support. While scrolling I found a hashtag called #noonefightsalone and it’s so true. Nobody does fight alone. Ever.
I connected with so many amazing people going through cancer treatment and not just on instgram throughout social media and found I felt comfortable chatting to them about anything and everything. Cancer really does connect people in such a strange way and there’s such a bond.
Search Instagram for hashtags of your type of cancer, search Twitter, search on IHadCancer & the Blood Cancer UK forum which both have amazing communities full of support. Just reach out and comment! They have all been there or are going through the same thing you are right now and will be so supportive.

I have met some amazing people through Instagram who I am now real life friends with and if it wasn’t for cancer, I wouldn’t have met them. SO, thanks cancer. I’ve flew to New York to meet a girl called Nicole and even though it was like a monsoon the day we finally met after talking for years before it didn’t matter. I was so happy to finally meet one of the girls who had been by my side since the beginning.
Seeing others sharing their stories and seeing what they are going through really inspired me to put myself out there and share not only the good times but the bad as well and that’s when the best support happened, the support I needed the most.
Yes, you probably have a support system of friends and family, but unless they have or have had cancer and as much as they would like to they can’t relate to the things you are going through.
For anyone going through treatment right now..
You’ll develop an unexplainable bond to anyone else who has or has had cancer. You’ll meet other cancer fighters and survivors through social media that you eventually become friends with. They get you. They understand you. They will help you get through it.

You can find me over on Instagram, why not have a little scroll while you’re there?
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