This post is sponsored by Clive Christian but all thoughts and views are my own.
The clocks have gone forward, and we are officially in spring although it doesn’t feel like spring.. Am I the only one who thinks that? The days are getting longer and brighter which makes me wake up in the best mood in the morning’s and I’m not usually a morning person. I’m all for bluer skies and lighter days though because as a blogger I cherish those extra hours of sunlight haha.
I honestly love the changing of the seasons as it gives me a little boost of motivation, I always like to set myself goals from season to season as well as monthly goals. I usually don’t end up hitting them but it gives me that little boost when I need it most. Spring is my second favourite season and I find one of the great parts of Spring is that we can be outside more so it’s perfect to go on long walks and clear your head. I love to prepare for Spring and here’s why..

Normally one of the first things I do to prepare for the spring days is pack away the winter scents from my perfume collection and replace them with something fresh and light. I love how something as ‘simple’ as a particular smell can bring you back to all kinds of fond memories and that’s why I’m always looking for my next favourite scent.
There’s one brand which I have loved for a while and that’s Clive Christian, such an amazing luxury brand for fragrances. Whenever I see the counter of Clive Christian perfumes in Selfridges I’m always in awe of the packaging. It just screams luxury.
The perfume gift set for her is one set I would love to get my hands on.. In the set there is five 5ml miniature bottles which is perfect as I love to take a little bottle of perfume out so I can keep topped up with my favourite fragrance through the day. The gift set is described as a characterful collection of perfumes and has notes of C Green Floral, L Floral Chypre, I Woody Floral, V Fruity Floral and E Green Fougere.
“A characterful collection of perfumes of incomparable complexity that explore the fragrant facets of a lifetime, an aromatic journey that encapsulates natural beauty and true creativity.”
Hopefully one day I’ll be able to add one of these beautiful fragrances from Clive Christian to my collection or I’m sure these perfumes would make a beautiful luxury gift for someone. Have you discovered your favourite scent for Spring/Summer?

My wardrobe is usually one of the next things I do to prepare for Spring. I love having a big old clear out in my wardrobe, it honestly feels so good to get to rid of the clothes I won’t wear anymore so I can make room for all the new clothes I’ll be buying for the upcoming season.
I usually make a couple of piles, one to keep for next winter and then one to give away. Nothing makes me happier than moving my winter coat to the back of my wardrobe knowing it won’t come back out until next year. I’m loving seeing all the pastel colours coming out ready for Spring, I’m already planning the outfits out in my head haha. I’ve listed some of my favourite pieces I’m currently loving from ASOS below.
Oh and not forgetting handbags. I honestly have an obsession over bags. For the last year or so I’ve been in love with backpacks and it’s the only bag I’ve been seen out with which is so unusual for me but I have a Calvin Klein backpack which I brought in New York last year and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be perfect for those spring days. It’s cream with gold touches and some sort of quilting on the front. I also have a Michael Kors handbag which isn’t a backpack (shocker I know) but it’s pastel green and I am kind of in love with everything pastel right now so I think I will probably be switching between those two.
Food is always at the top of my list when it comes to the seasons changing and coming into Spring/Summer is no exception. Hot cross buns are one of my favourite foods in Spring (although I have them all year round) because they are just SO good.
I know we have just past Easter but the recipes I have seen floating around social media look super fun to make and baking is definitely something love to do in the Spring time. I normally collect up a few recipes from the BBC website or have a look on Pinterest and then bookmark the links so when I’m ready to make the food I have the recipe on hand.

Flowers. They just make me super happy. I don’t live very close to a market so when I do get to go into the city and see all the beautiful flower stalls I know Spring is right around the corner and I just have to stock up. Tulips are usually my flower of choice for the Spring but I love daffodils. They can be brought for so little money but look so lovely and are perfect for blog photo’s so I always make sure I have some around the house.

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I am so ready for spring! Love your picks too got me feeling ready for when it finally does come!
It needs to come quicker haha. Thanks lovely 💕
Beautiful images! I love Springtime too. Xxx
Thank you lovely 💕 xo
I’m so glad spring is finally properly here! I love flowers and sunshine too!
YAY for spring 🙌🏼☀️
You’re so organised compared to me! I’ll always be halfway through spring before i realize i need different kind of clothes and stuff like that. x
I get so stressed if I’m not organised so I have to be haha. This year I’m probably more organised than ever xo
There’s nothing like a bunch of daffodils to tell you Spring is on the way! With the wind and rain today, it doesn’t feel much like it, but I’m looking forward to being able to wear my summer dresses again without all the extra layers. I haven’t tried any of the perfumes you mentioned, but they sound interesting and just the right thing for Spring!
Daffodils are the best flowers for spring! Ahh, I can’t wait to wear all the pretty dresses. Thank you for you comment, beauty! xo
I am enjoying the longer days also. I like to set goals for the season and month. Keeps me more focused. I still have winter jacket on as wind as a bite to it in the morning, but ready for Spring!!
I’m honestly getting so much more done now we are having longer days 🙌🏼 I’m the same with my big jacket but I’m starting to wear my mac now so I’m hoping the sun will come out a bit more 🙊 xo
I’m so ready for spring, just want some brighter days that feel better! Your post has made me so excited xx
Yessss 🙌🏼 Eeekkk. Hurry up Spring haha xo
I’m obsessed with that pink handbag! Will definitely have to pick that up. Spring is the best!
It’s so pretty isn’t it?! 💕
Yesterday it was snowing & today it finally felt like Spring with the clear sky & 13+ degrees! I don’t change my perfume scents, but I do like being able to put away my winter coat & exchange it for cardigans & shorts!
Wow. Super strange weather haha. Changing up my wardrobe is one of my favourite things to do because then I finally feel like Spring is on the way! xo
I loved this post! I’m so ready for spring, last night I went out shopping and bought some dresses for spring and summer.
Brooke x
Ah, thank you so so much girl! Oooo, yay! I can’t wait to wear all the pretty dresses in summer ☀️ xo
It’s so sunny in London today, about time! I love a flowery perfume in Spring, to make everything a little bit lighter x
I definitely agree, I feel like when I change my perfume then I’m ready for the new season xo