Hi. Hello and welcome to a brand new year. 2021. Happy new year? I don’t know if it’s the right thing to say with starting the year with another lockdown but things can only get better, right? or am I thinking too optimistically?
When I was thinking about what post to start the new year off by I had a few ideas in my mind and one of those was my goals for the year but to be honest I haven’t really set myself many and even the one’s I have done are small. I feel like while we are still in a pandemic I’ve lost motivation so didn’t feel like setting big goals, most of mine are small achievable one’s which I know I’ll be able to accomplish.
After brainstorming, I thought starting off with 4 things I want to make more time for in this new year was a more appropriate post for right now and hopefully will hold me accountable.
Photography is a hobby of mine which I’ve loved for a good few years now but never really made much time for so this year I want to spend time experimenting with my Canon and film camera which I totally got last year and haven’t touched since because I couldn’t work out how to use but I did buy some film so I’m positive I can get some shots but maybe after watching a few YouTube tutorials.
I think by just by going on some walks with my camera and just shooting is a good idea to start with and then going from there. Nature and landscape photography is definitely a passion of mine which I’d love to start doing a lot more so in 2021 so it’s something I will be making more time for. I think one of the things I want to add to my blog is a photography portfolio so look out for that sometime in the future.
Self Care.
I am forever talking about self care on here and social media but really don’t spend that much time doing it. It’s so important to relax and take time for yourself especially now we’re in a pandemic. I really need to take my own advice which I’m so bad at sometimes..
I’m planning on doing a face and hair mask at least once a week as well as making time for an evening of Netflix. Whenever I have free time, I am always thinking of the next thing I’ve got to complete wether that’s for a brand or a blog post etc. and I just don’t think to just take time for myself.
My Blog.
Last year was actually pretty bad blog wise for me, I just didn’t make enough time for anything blog wise and when I did it wasn’t enough. My posts and engagement suffered massively. This year I have got so much more motivation for it and if you haven’t noticed already I have a brand new blog theme uploaded and customised and I’m utterly in love with it.
I tried a schedule last year which actually worked quite well in the beginning but I just couldn’t keep up with it and life just got in the way and the pressure just got to me so as I have done before i’ll just be uploading when I feel like it so wether that be 1 a week or 3 times a week.
I just feel like my blog is my happy place and when I feel like I need to write, I love that I have my little piece of the internet to share those feelings on.
Checking in with my friends more.
I am the absolute worst person for keeping up with friends. Honestly I am one of those people that read your message and forget to reply then remember and reply 3 days later. I am ashamed to admit I don’t check in with my friends regularly.
In 2021, I want make sure I keep in touch more with them even if it’s just a quick message to say “hello, how are you?” and I promise I’ll reply faster than 3 days later..
What are you going to make more time for in 2021?

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I love how you included making more time for self care, that’s something I need to do in my life also! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
I just really don’t do enough of it so it’s something I want to try and incorporate more into my daily life! x
These are great things to focus on. I’m so glad you’ve found your motivation for blogging again. It’s so much more fun when you’re in the right frame of mind for it x
Thank you so much! honestly me too, this is my little happy place 🙂 x
What a great post! I look forward to reading your future blog posts. Blogging is always so much better when you’re in the right frame of mind for it xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
ah thank you so much, Hannah! oh I couldn’t agree more, I just can’t sit down and write if I’m not in the right frame of mind! xx
These are some really great goals to focus on this year! Making time to dedicate some time to photography is something I am hoping to do more of too 🙂
Kate ♥ | https://asimplesliceofkate.com/
Thank you so much, Kate! Photography is definitely a passion of mine so I really do hope I can make more time for it and you can too 🙂 x
I’m really trying to make more time for blogging as well! It sort of fell apart for me last year but now I’m feeling much more motivated 🙂
Katy | http://www.katystephenson.com
I kinda feel like I’ve let myself down in a way by not posting as much last year but I’m so ready to get back into it this year. I feel exactly the same, lovely. I’m sure we can both make more time for it this year! x
Some great points there. I definitely want to take more time out for myself and to spend with my partner – not just to be busy all the time. I found it a bit intense last year with everyone suddenly wanting to hang out virtually, but I do want to take time to catch up with my friends regularly.
Taking time out for yourself is so important! Oh definitely the virtual hangouts can be so overwhelming sometimes though, I completely agree x