1 month down and we’re already in February. It doesn’t seem two seconds since I was eating my Christmas dinner on the 25th December to be honest. I actually love doing these little to do lists, it does keep me accountable even when I doubt myself.
The last couple of months have been quite full on personally and work wise, I haven’t had a lot of time at all to myself, maybe the odd day here and there. Content creation really has taken a back seat, it was draining me to be completely honest and I just had to take a step back from everything but I find February and March quiet months which gives me the time to think about where I am with everything and plan out the next few weeks.
Workout at least 3 times a week | I have been majorly slacking on my fitness and I can tell that by me getting out of breath when I run up the stairs, not great when I want to run a half marathon at the end of the year is it really? I have acquired a treadmill so home workouts are a lot easier and obviously the winter months don’t make it easy to run outside so I’m very lucky I can run inside the comfort of my own home but guess who hasn’t been.. yes, me. As I said the past couple of months have been a lot and I’m often exhausted most days but that’s no excuse anymore, I have a have a goal and that’s to run 13.1 miles at the end of the year, possibly September so even if it’s just a half an hour fast walk it’s something that will help towards my end goal.

Add more protein into my diet | I recently had a call with my clinical nurse specialist and she basically told me off for not eating more meat and fish, to be honest I thought I was doing well but it’s still low according to my bloods. Protein is obviously important for reparing and building muscle which will be important for me if I’m to workout at least 3 times a week, I need my body to repair as quick as possible but the health benefits will also be big and if it’ll make my healthcare team happy then that’s a plus.
Plan content for the next 3 weeks | Content has slowed a lot on all my socials as of late but as I have this week off work it will be the perfect time to get back on it. I have around 10 instagram posts prepped I just need to write captions and add hashtags etc, I’m hoping I can repurpose some of the content on TikTok as well. I’m also planning on shooting more photo’s later in the week. Blog posts on the other hand are non-existent so I’m going to need at least a good couple of days this week to bulk write a few and then hopefully write at least 1 a week but we’ll see, I don’t want to pressure myself too much and burn out. February is definitely a month to get on top of the blog.
Rotate my wardrobe pieces & have a clear out | I am that person who wears the same things over and over when they find it comfortable, sometimes I wake up and just can’t be bothered to make an outfit up so just grab what I know will work. A clear out is well over due so that’s the first job and then hopefully i’ll be able to see exactly what I’ve got to start styling some different looks. I do love winter layers but spring is just 6 weeks away although we all know in the UK it won’t feel like spring until later in April.
Create a spreadsheet for saving money | Saving is a huge part of my life this year, I have a lot planned for the next few years so having some sort of spreadsheet or plan will help massively. I do have a rough idea of what I’m saving each month but having something written down and planned out with everything will just make me feel a lot better about it all. I’m the worst for taking money out of my savings and telling myself oh I’ll put it back straight after and never do, well that stops this year. I can’t afford to take any out! I mean it probably doesn’t help that I’ve just brought myself a new car but to my defence I needed to change my other one, it was on the brink of giving up and me having to spend more money on it and it just wasn’t worth it so I made the right decision and I’m totally in love with my new car, its a dream. I’m telling myself no more big purchases this year.

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You have an excellent goal for this year. I hope you accomplish each one.
Thank you so much, Lanae 🙂
I like the idea of having a monthly goal list or things to do during that time. I can see myself having a specific theme for February (and each month after) that can help me focus on different things.
It sounds like you have some great things to be working on; I hope you achieve all you want/need!
It really does help motivate me to get things done otherwise i’d just be lazy! Thank you so much, Molly x
I love your to-do list for February lovely! I seriously need to add some more protein to my diet too! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Thanks sweetie, honestly it’s one thing i need to add lots more of! x
You have set up a really great to do list here. I haven’t done one in a while and feel like I definitely need one to keep me more accountable too these upcoming months.
Thank you so much! I don’t know what it is but if i write it down somewhere i’m more likely to actually do it. I’m also a very forgetful person haha x